Flatback Turtle

The flatback turtle (Natator depressus) is a quite special Australian, as this large marine turtle is only found in Australian waters and some nearby waters in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, so it is very important that we protect its nesting beaches and look after this species.  They are a threatened species and each season Mon Repos has around 10 individual flatback turtles nesting.

As its name suggests, the shell of the flatback turtle is flattened on top. The edges of the olive-grey shell are also upturned slightly. Adults reach about a metre long and weigh from 100 to 125 kilograms. 

Mon Repos is special. It supports the largest concentration of nesting marine turtles on the eastern Australian mainland and has the most significant loggerhead turtle nesting  population in the South Pacific region.  To find out more about Mon Repos and the turtles that nest at this special place visit https://www.parks.des.qld.gov.au/parks/mon-repos/turtle-centre.html


You can help!

Help us to help our sea turtles by making a donation.


Work with community organisations and all levels of government to protect, conserve, monitor and manage endangered marine turtles.

Campaign to increase habitat protection on key beaches through increased vegetation to protect the dunes and provide appropriate shade.

To leverage against to secure additional funds from grants to ensure lighting in this region is appropriate minimising impact on our environment.


More Turtles of Mon Repos